For those of you who follow my Facebook page here the reveal.
The "Tati" was designed so Piccasso's of all ages can have their crayons all set for on the go.
Find pictures and the story of how the "Tati " came about down below.
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I made this little roll-up case with one very special person in mind she was and always will be very dear to my heart.
Her name is Tati and she is family. Not by blood but she and her husband might just as well be. She was like a third grandma to me who tought me many things. Most importantly she spent time with me. Quality time! We would color together, play boardgames, cut paperstars and fold gold foil stars for the christmas tree. The list goes on.
Tati had a passion for sewing. Looking back now she was in many ways way ahead of her time. For example I would unpack a present [by the way most likely packed up in a recycled calender paper] finding a perfectly home sewn jewelry travel "pouch". Another cool gift one year was a door organizer. This was waaaay before Closet door organizers ever even became a closet essential. I admit back then I did not and couldn't yet appreciate all the time, effort and thought that went into any of Tati's gifts.
However now that I sew myself I have a much better understanding for her thoughtfulness and her sewing skills.
This past saturday I got word that Tati after many years of living with dimensia in her old age has past. I am certain she has found new peace.
Tati, may your spirit and love for keeping things organized live on.
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