Ok, ok i know ! You're probably thinking Again?! But realy there is good reason to post another watermelon concoction.
So bare with me. Have you ever tried watermelon with fresh basil ?! If not you must !! It is delicious.
I've always had a hard time to drink enough water throughout the day. however with my almost daily practice of bikram yoga it is an absolute must. Even though through my practice i am now drinking significantly more water there are days were i am having a harder time to get to my at least two liters of fluid intake. Well, thank god for fruit. I happen to loooove fruits and vegetables.
One of my very favorite is watermelon. Little fact on the side - I lived of off watermelon when i was pregnant with Z [ she happens to love to ] and not much has changed.
Anyways long story short try this cut up a watermelon grab some fresh basil and chop it up and mix -
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