You know those moments when you need to create something for a certain occasion and just everything magically falls into place?!
I unfortunately happen to be someone who when it comes to birthdays or other occasions has a hard time to plan ahead in a timely matter. Does that mean I'm a procrastinator ? ;) I guess so but somehow it works.
Actually alot of times it's not that i don't think of the occasion ahead of time but nothing that I see seems right or fitting. Then it gets closer and closer to the day and I end up "shaken something out of my sleeve" with every positive thought, good intention and love poured into the gift.
So in regards to that I am ever grateful when things just kind of fall into place when i need them to.
Almost a month ago it was my nieces Anna's 4th birthday and as always I / we had not forgotten about it but in this case it is very challenging to send somehing overseas small enough to not spend a fortune on postalfees.
Anyways, Y, Z and I made Anna a necklace and some "arm candy" with small beads. What little girl doesn't love some jewlery?!
I turned the felt scraps [ in the shape they came in] you see below into a little pouch just by sewing them together with some cute twine.
In case you're wondering, the button is made up of rolled up felt. Nothing gets thrown away ! ;) just kidding but Yes, some recycling was involved in this too. It was a quick 20 min project that anyone who can thread a needle can do.
If you have questions or comments please don't hesitate I would love to hear from you. Down below in the comment box . What are some of your "go to" presents when in a time crunch ?
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